Aneurysms occur in the body most commonly in the region of the abdominal aorta, common iliac arteries and internal iliac arteries. The next most common area is the popliteal arteries behind the knee and then the femoral arteries in the groin and quite uncommonly the carotid arteries.
When aneurysms occur they develop gradually and grow slowly. Aneurysms may become complicated by developing mural thrombus or clot in the wall and causing particles to break off and go down into the distal circulation (embolisation). They may also rupture and in that regard aneurysms can be very dangerous, particularly in the aortic and iliac region. They can also be present in the thoracic aorta.
Aneurysms in the legs often cause local compressive effects and can cause swelling of the leg but also can cause distal embolisation with loss of outflow from arteries to the feet. These can be very dangerous if they silently cause the arteries to close down and the aneurysm to suddenly occlude. The result is a leg that is at a great threat of not surviving.
All aneurysms can be managed now by open surgery or endovascular repair with stent-grafts.
There are risks and benefits of each of these approaches to aneurysmal repair and Dr Campbell will discuss all of this with you at the consultation.
Animation of an EVAR for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Animation of an EVAR for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and an Iliac Aneurysm
Permission for use granted by Cook Medical, Bloomington, Indiana.
If you would like to discuss your symptoms with Dr Campbell